Herbal Bak Kut Teh // 药材肉骨茶

Bak Kut Teh originated from Malaysia. Although we're born and bred in Singapore, Bak Kut Teh is widely available in our country. From Teochew style peppery Bak Kut Teh to Klang Herbal style and Hokkien Herbal style. You name it, we have it. In this video, we concocted our own herb mix. We're not sure if you will like our concoction but how about you try it and let us know. :)

See our step-by-step video here
 Herbal Bak Kut Teh

Serves 6

4 pieces star anis 八角茴香
12 pieces Chinese angelica  当归
1.5 pieces Processed rehmannia root 熟地
10 pieces Sichuan lovage rhizome 川芎
Handful of Polygonatum odoratum 玉竹
4 bulbs of garlic
4 stalks of cinamon bulb
2.5kg pork prime ribs
2.5 tablespoons of white peppercorn

Hope you can recreate this yummy dish in the comfort of your home. Thanks for dropping by.

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